The world hanging upside down

That quote from Mumford and Sons actually comes from Chesterton, describing what St Francis went through in his conversion to the saint everyone loves to misunderstand. Continue reading “The world hanging upside down”


Apologies, Reader-land, but I can’t hold my head up in a way that I can type.  The IR sensor is going crazy, and I have been typing with the mouse.  But settle in, this is long. Continue reading “Politics”

Logical doodles

The craze in recent years has been to put things into “doodles”, creative cartoonish drawings that supposedly support a lecture or presentation. It’s a very fickle thing though, because if the doodles get shared without the context, chaos can ensue, as I discovered at work.  But, there are always positives! Continue reading “Logical doodles”

Deep question; what is morality?

This came to me because my friend Will wanted me to remind Reader-land to vote pro-life this Tuesday.  Of course, me being me, this led to the philosophy of morality.

You’re welcome. Continue reading “Deep question; what is morality?”