How’ve you been?

IMG_3288Recently someone remarked that my blog has gone on to religious topics, and how was I doing?  And I said to myself, “Self, they are right, I’ve done a really bad job documenting this time in between!”  So thank you for keeping me in line, and here’s what’s been going on!

As well a special thanks to everyone who has been helping us, family and in-laws, parents and friends.  I’d name you all but I don’t want to leave anyone out.

Continue reading “How’ve you been?”

ALS Clinic – Subtlety lost in the rain

We went up to Hopkins for my clinical eval today.  I like going up there, seeing all the people who have dedicated their professions to trying to help people like me, but sometimes it can be burdensome.  Interesting, but burdensome.  I have a feeling I’m not like other ALS patients… Continue reading “ALS Clinic – Subtlety lost in the rain”